Thirty Day Reset – Welcome

Thirty Day Reset - Welcome Information


Thank you for your interest for the ‘Thirty Day Reset’. Here is some more information for you.

The main ethos of the Reset is to:

  • Plan out meals to include protein sources
  • Track meals using My Fitness Pal (looking at macro nutrients breakdown to support this)
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water per day
  • Set daily movement in time or steps ( ideally 30 mins+ or at least 8 000 steps)..
  • Exercise with moderate to high intensity at least three times per week.
  • Set sleep hours target

Eeek! Sounds like a lot? Don’t worry, it all falls into place, bit by bit and step by step.

Documents attached

I have attached a ‘welcome’ document for you for an overview of the Thirty Day Reset, food planning proformas and a 7 day meal plan example.

Member’s Area

Please do make the most of this area on my website . The password is ‘smile’ and you can access recorded zoom sessions as well as wellbeing sessions, stretch session and foodie ideas 😊. Link to member’s area.

Live Zoom Sessions – ‘Team Up’ to book in

Over the four weeks, you will have access to 8 of our Zoom Live sessions (unless you are a current ‘unlimited’ member and then have unlimited!) . These vary in intensity – you can see the timetable on the Team Up site and sign up on here.

The Team Up Site can be accessed through the website:

You can also download the app ‘teamup members’ which can be found in your Apple /Google store.

I endeavour to cater for all levels of fitness – from the beginner to the more advanced with modifications and progressions.

Kit – you can start with two tin cans, a cushion and a towel.

As you become more involved, it is good to have some bands handy- I have some of these in the studio or these can be bought on amazon - the fabric bands are good to have as they do not break! But the rubber bands can be handy too.

Facebook Group

The Thirty Day Reset is very much a group effort with a closed Facebook group. You can request to join the Facebook group  HERE. This is a great place to share how you are doing, ups and downs, recipes etc.

We also have a Infinite Balance Community Group which has the regular day to day updates.

My Fitness Pal

This is a great app to use when the Thirty Day Reset gets going. It is a calorie counter app but it goes deeper than that in showing us our macro nutrient breakdown – I will help you with this and guide you through it.


This is a fitness programme delivered to you through an app – it is a great resource as the plan has videos attached to it. I have different levels of entry points for this. If you are interested in this, then let me know and I will send you an invite for this.


The 'Thirty Day Reset' has been developed as a program for you to take some time out to prioritise you, your wellbeing, fitness and general lifestyle and I really hope that this will work for you.


I am here for you whatever the questions are!

If you are on Instagram or Facebook, you can find out more about me from there! Please do say hello in a comment or a like 😊


Best wishes,


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