Why choose 'Nutritional and Lifestyle' coaching?
Nourish your body with mindful nutrition.
Adopt a balanced lifestyle.
Feel in control of your choices.
Prioritise YOUR needs.
Increase nutritional knowledge.
Create sustainable lifestyle habits.
Guided Relaxation.
Feel fitter, stronger and healthier!

Hi, I am Kirsty, and I invite you to join me for some Nutrition and Lifestyle coaching. These sessions will help you to take control of your relationship with your nutrition, get active and strengthen your body.
The coaching is either in person (Cheltenham based) or via zoom - the coaching session last for 30 mins and can be either weekly or fortnightly. These sessions are then supported with a fitness program and a succession of 'lectures' to educate, empower and support your journey.
How do I book?
You can book for individual sessions, block book for six sessions at a time or pay monthly. See below for links to book

Nutritional and Lifestyle Coaching - book here for your session.
Book for Individual N+L Coaching
N+L coaching session:
- Low impact.
- Core strengthening focus.
- Active stretch.
- Guided relaxation.
Block Book 6 x 30 mins N+L Caoching sessions
Fitball sessions plus:
- Low impact.
- Core strengthening focus.
- Active stretch.
- Guided relaxation.
Monthly 2 x 30 mins N+L Caoching sessions
N+L sessions plus:
- Low impact.
- Core strengthening focus.
- Active stretch.
- Guided relaxation.

There are 3 things I do know...
Exercise and eating nutritionally well contributes to your overall happiness.
Nobody else can DO IT for you.
The longer you leave it the further you are away from your goal.
You've got a choice!
Spend hours searching for the perfect fitness plan
Work with me and I'll keep it simple and fast track the process
Who knows..... maybe you will actually enjoy it after all
Message me for a free consultation and we can explore your options,
some benefits of having Kirsty as your Personal Trainer...
See better results sooner
Left to their own devices, many individuals wind up on cardio machines at the gym or listlessly moving from one piece of exercise equipment to another. A personal trainer can ensure the individual spends their time performing the right exercises with the proper equipment.
Avoid injuries
If an individual tries to use a piece of gym equipment he or she is unfamiliar with, they are likely to have incorrect form. A personal trainer can teach individuals the right form and correct them as they go through the exercises, thereby reducing the risk of injuries.
Lose fat and gain muscle
Most people who embark on a fitness journey want to lose fat, build muscle, or both. However, not many know how to go about doing that. They may spend too long on cardio and not enough time strength training or vice versa. A personal trainer can help individuals strike a proper balance to burn fat while building lean muscle.
Break through plateaus
Even the most experienced gym-goer will encounter the dreaded plateau. Once the individual stops seeing results, his or her incentive to keep going to the gym will dwindle and he or she may stop working out altogether. A personal trainer can identify new techniques to push beyond the plateau while keeping the individual motivated.
Set realistic goals
Nothing is more disheartening than failing to achieve a fitness goal. With enough failure, an individual may give up on their health and wellness objectives. A personal trainer can establish realistic and healthy fitness goals as well as help their clients achieve them.
Keeping you accountable
It is easy to fall off the wagon when an individual has no one to hold him or her accountable. With a personal trainer, the individual has someone expecting him or her to train, which is a much better push to get up and get to do the workout.