Working Safely During COVID-19
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Updated: July 2021
The following is guidance that Infinite Balance will follow in line with the Government guidelines in the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19).
At all times, social distancing measures will be in place throughout the session to ensure there is no close contact.
Examples of close contact that should not occur include:
- close face to face contact (under 1 metre) for any length of time – including talking to one another or coughing on them.
- being within 1 to 2 metres of each other for more than 15 minutes.
Close contact should be avoided through observing social distancing measures:
- try to stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from one another in the Studio
- use hand sanitiser gel often
- wash your hands as soon as you get home
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- let fresh air into the Studio by opening windows, doors as much as possible
do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
- Procedures
- The maximum number of clients that can reasonably follow social distancing guidelines (2m or 1m+ with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) is three persons in the Studio.
- Appointments are limited to one session at any one time.
- An appointment-only system will be used (Team Up).
- When booking an appointment, the client will be asked to attend in line with the rules on social contact. This means groups of no more than 6 people or 2 households of whatever size indoors; or in groups of no more than 30 people outdoors.
- Ask COVID-19 related screening questions to clients ahead of their appointment, including:– Are you required to be self-isolating?
– Have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough?
– Do you have a high temperature?
– Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell?If the client has any of these symptoms, however mild, they should stay at home and reschedule their appointment.
- Make clients aware of, and encourage compliance with, limits on social contact. For example, on arrival with a poster on the door and in the Studio.
- Adjust how people move through the premises to reduce congestion and contact between clients. For example, one person in at a time through the door and allow space for others.
- Use outside space for queuing if needed.
- Encourage clients to arrive at the time of their scheduled appointment.
- Review working practices to minimise the duration of contact with the client. Keep to the given scheduled time to avoid over running.
- Discourage the use of changing rooms wherever possible. Advise clients to change at home.
- Inform clients and contractors of guidance about visiting the premises before and on arrival. This includes information on websites, on booking forms and in entrance ways.
- Take steps to avoid raised voices. There is evidence this has an increased risk of virus transmission. This includes lowering the volume of background music and discouraging people from raising their voices or shouting.
2. Ventilation
Objective: To use ventilation to mitigate COVID-19’s aerosol transmission risk in enclosed spaces.
Ventilation should be used as a control measure to reduce the risk of aerosol transmission of COVID-19 in enclosed spaces.
Ventilation will not reduce the risk of droplet or surface transmission. This means you will also be required to put in place other control measures. These include cleaning and social distancing.
There will be different ways of providing ventilation, including:
- mechanical ventilation using fans
- natural ventilation which relies on passive flow through openings, such as doors, windows and vents
Ventilation will be provided through a combination of the two.
The risk of transmission is greater in spaces that are poorly ventilated. HSE guidance on ventilation and air conditioning explains how you can identify those spaces. It also explains steps you can take to improve ventilation.
3. Client toilets
Objective: To ensure that toilets are kept open and to ensure/promote good hygiene, social distancing, and cleanliness in toilet facilities. You should manage them carefully to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
- Use signs and posters to make people aware:– of how to wash their hands well
– that they should wash their hands frequently
– that they should not touch their faces
– that they should cough or sneeze into a tissue which is binned safely, or into their arms if a tissue is not available
- A limited entry approach, with 1 in, 1 out. I
- Consider making hand sanitiser available on entry to toilets where safe, practical and accessible. Ensure suitable handwashing facilities are available. This includes running water and liquid soap and suitable options for drying. Namely paper towels, continuous roller towels or hand dryers. Consider the needs of people with disabilities.
- Set clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets, with increased frequency of cleaning in line with usage. You should use normal cleaning products and pay attention to frequently hand touched surfaces. Consider using disposable cloths or paper roll to clean all hard surfaces.
- Keep the facilities well ventilated. For example by ensuring extractor fans work effectively and opening windows and vents where possible.
4. Providing and explaining available guidance
Objective: To make sure people understand what they need to do to maintain safety.
- Provide clear guidance on expected client behaviours, social distancing and hygiene to people on or before arrival or when scheduling their appointment. Explain to clients that failure to observe safety measures will result in service not being provided.
- Provide written or spoken communication of the latest guidelines to both workers and clients, inside and outside the premises. You should display posters or information setting out how clients should behave at your venue to keep everyone safe. Considering the particular needs of those with protected characteristics, such as those who are hearing or visually impaired.
- Provide a briefing of on-site protocols and rules for shared areas and key facilities.
- Ensure latest guidelines are visible throughout the entire premises.
- Where necessary, inform clients that police and local authorities have the powers to enforce requirements in relation to social distancing. They can instruct clients to disperse, leave an area, issue a fixed penalty notice or take further enforcement action.
6. Coming to work and leaving work
Objective: To maintain social distancing on arrival and departure and to make sure people can wash their hands.
- Stagger arrival and departure times of clients. This will cut crowding into and out of the Studio.
- Discuss with clients before arrival parking facilities which are available on arrival.
- Use markings and introduce one-way flow at entry and exit points, where possible.
- Provide hand sanitiser facilities at entry and exit.
- See guidance on travelling to and from work and getting help with daily activities outside your home during coronavirus.
7. Moving around premises
Objective: To maintain social distancing as far as possible while people travel through the Studio.
- Provide floor markings and signage to remind both workers and clients to maintain social distancing wherever possible.
- Communicate to the client how to follow the social distancing guidelines in the Studio.
8. Accidents, security and other incidents
Objective: To prioritise safety during incidents.
In an emergency, you do not have to maintain social distancing if that would be unsafe. Examples include:
- accidents
- fires
- break-ins
- when you’re giving first aid
Whenever giving help during emergencies, pay particular attention to sanitation straight afterwards. This includes washing hands.
- Review your incident and emergency procedures will reflect the social distancing principles as far as possible.
- Follow government guidance on managing security risks.
9. Keeping the workplace clean
Objective: To keep the workplace clean and prevent transmission by touching contaminated surfaces.
- Space appointments so that you can clean, disinfect and sterilise work areas, and equipment between uses. Use your usual cleaning products.
- Frequently clean / sanitise objects and surfaces that people touch regularly. This includes free weights and TRX’s.
- If you’re cleaning after a known or suspected case of COVID-19, refer to the guidance on cleaning in non-healthcare settings.
10. Handling goods, merchandise and other materials
Objective: To reduce transmission through contact with objects in the premises.
You will usually need to:
- Encourage people to wash their hands more often. Put in place more handwashing facilities for workers who handle goods and merchandise. Provide hand sanitiser where this is not practical.
- Enforce cleaning procedures for goods and merchandise entering your site.
- Clean sequipment before and following client use.
- Keep person-to-person contact to a minimum when you accept deliveries.
- Make sure any equipment used is thoroughly:– cleaned
– disinfected
– sterilisedDo this before you use it, and between clients. Use your usual cleaning products.
11. Ongoing communications and signage
Objective: To make sure all workers are kept up to date with how safety measures are being implemented or updated.
You will usually need to:
- Engage with clients on an ongoing basis. Do this to monitor and understand understanding.
- Use simple, clear messaging to explain guidelines using images and clear language. You should consider people:– who do not have English as their first language
– who have protected characteristics, such as visual impairments - Communicate approaches and operational procedures with clients.
Completed by Kirsty Ellson, July 2021