How to get the BEST results from The RESET
This video is a snippet of the content in Week One of our Six Week Reset program and give you a taster of the feel of the program.
Beyond the practicalities and theory of lifestyle, nutrition and exercise, there is another component that is essential to achieving success in weight loss. This is your mindset. This is an area in which will massively support you in being able to create SUSTAINABLE lifestyle changes,
It is important that you are in the right headspace when you are trying to reach your goals. Mindset is key because it will carry you through when the going gets tough.
Listen to this presentation for SIX mindset methods to get the best results out of The Reset and can create impact for you TODAY.
I am always happy to chat this through with you to help you to be where you want to be...pop me an email
If you would like know more about The Reset, please scroll to read below and as always, I am here to answer any questions. FYI - new intakes always start on a Monday.
Best wishes,
What is 'The Reset'?
The Reset program is delivered through a personalised app including challenging, effective and time efficient workouts for all fitness levels with minimal equipment.
The Reset Program is a:
- supportive program to support you to break down barriers and building healthy, sustainable habits for exercise and everyday diet.
- teaches you how to love real food, make it work for real life, and do it all in a sustainable way.
- program is NOT a diet, a detox, or a cleanse, it’s a course.
- educates and equips you with the tools and information that you need to make the best decisions to reach your goals. The program teaches what you to look for, what to avoid, how to create balanced meals, how much to eat, when and why, and how to design a dietary plan that works for your life and your goals.
The Reset is delivered as an individual program but you can work as part of a group too. The main content is delivered through our Trainerize App which includes: videos on weight loss, food planning, calories and macro nutrients, emotional eating, goal setting, mindful eating and more; strengthening workouts; link to My Fitness Pal for calorie tracking meals and macro nutrient breakdown; weekly food planning forms and support as well as weekly review forms.
Key Topics which will be covered:
- Energy balance - getting the balance right for you with energy in (calories in) and calories out.
- Tracking calories / not tracking calories.
- Emotional eating.
- Mindful eating.
- Recognising barriers to reaching goals - lots of chat about mindset which is usually a main barrier to reaching those goals.
- How to enable yourself to create change one step at a time.
- Becoming friends with your body - listening to what it needs to be the healthiest version of yourself at this moment in time
For more information visit HERE or contact Kirsty: 07787 406 552 or
Let me tell you more about me!
Hi, I am Kirsty and I am so glad you are here. I'm the founder of Infinite Balance Fitness - a service providing you support for your fitness and your wellbeing. We offer Personal Training, Fitball + TRX classes, Nutrition support and The Reset program.
Based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, with a passion to support and guide people like you in navigating their way to find that healthy balance with their physical, nutritional and emotional wellbeing.
Whether your goal is weight loss, body strengthening, toning up, feeling more energised and so much more - I can help you.
We will work together to help YOU to prioritise yourself and ensure you feel
fitter, stronger and happier...
Contact me! I would love to hear from you ...

There are 3 things I do know...
Exercise and eating nutritionally well contributes to your overall happiness.
Nobody else can DO IT for you.
The longer you leave it the further you are away from your goal.
You've got a choice!
Spend hours searching for the perfect fitness plan
Work with me and I'll keep it simple and fast track the process
Who knows..... maybe you will actually enjoy it after all
I hope to hear from you soon,
Life heading too much one way or the other?
Losing sight of time for yourself?
Steady weight gain?
Keep thinking that you will start tomorrow?
Feeling tired and sluggish?
Mood swinging one way and then another?
I can’t promise to halt all of these but I can help... Kirsty

infinite balance fitness
Be fitter. Be stronger. Be happier
A low impact, mat based class using the Fitball at Studio 10, 83 Hewlett Road, Cheltenham GL52 6AJ.
Personal Training is a service that is provided virtually through Zoom sessions or outdoors.
A SIX WEEK PROGRAM to support you in prioritising your Nutrition, Fitness and Wellbeing.