1. Home Body Weight Workout (1)
Just a few moves for you that you can do in your garden - or anywhere! Adapt as needed:
- Plank and side twist
- Reverse lunge to curtsy lunge
- Plank and hip taps
- Squat, jump and hold in squat again
- Slow and steady mountain climb - bring towards one elbow then the other and bring leg back to front support.
Suggestion: Each exercise for 20 seconds with 10 seconds recovery - repeat x 3..then move on to next exercise.
2. Home Body Weight Workout (2)
We love a prop! My daughter and I created this sequence together and wanted to share it with you.
- Running toe taps
- V pass
- Step back lunge
- Cushion pull through
- Reverse lunge
Suggestion: Each exercise for 45 - 60 seconds with 15 seconds recovery. Repeat after you complete each exercise.
3. Home Body Weight Workout (3)
Yes, you can have a workout in your lounge - maybe during an advert break when watching TV -this is a bit longer than the usual advert break though!
- Walking burpee
- Jumping burpee
- Push ups
- Squat to reverse lunge
- Plank and twist to open
- Squat jump forward and back
- Plank hip taps
- Ab twist gradually up to jacknife
Suggestion: Complete each exercise twice for 30 secs each with 10 secs rest in between. Take everything to your own level and adapt as needed.
4. Home Body Weight Workout (4)
I quite like a recipe with four ingredients as well as a simple workout to get my body moving with four movements. Here you go:
In this video the exercises last for approximately 30 seconds - feel free to pause the exercise to extend your movement to 45 seconds or maybe 1 minute. Or go with the flow of the video...
- Squat to knees to squat
- Push up with shoulder tap and hip tap
- Squat to lateral leg raise - leg slightly coming up and out to the back to 'ignite' the glute
- Ab heel taps - side to side motion to reach the heels if you can.
Suggestion: Complete each exercise three times for 30 seconds with 10 secs rest. 1-2 minute recovery and repeat.
5. Home Body Weight Workout (5)
- Toe taps - increase this by high knees or lower by slowing down.
- V Pass. - bend knees or lengthen
- Tabletop. - keep knees above your hips and slowly extend out and in.
- Squat to cushion tower - Add in a jump.
- Single leg lift - keeping one foot on the floor.
- Reverse lunge - or squat, reverse lunge, squat, reverse lunge - or try lunge jumps for a further challenge.
- Increased squat - less cushions! But stay safe!
- Double leg lift - only do this if you feel comfortable to do so..
Suggestion: Complete each exercise for 1 min with 20 secs rest. Adapt as needed.
6. Home Body Weight Workout (6)
Reverse Lunge (and drive) . Plank Get Up and Hip Tap
Crab Walk (side to side) and Jump Side Plank with Hip Dip
Single Leg Lunge Chair Tricep Dips
Chair Mountain Climber Cushion Ab Pull Through / Crunch
Wide Press Up, Reach, Hip tap Side Lunge and Push Off
Reverse and Forward Lunge Sit Up and box
Suggestion: Complete each exercise for 60 seconds with 15 seconds recovery.
7. Home Body Weight Workout (7)
I bet you can find a good chair for this!
- Mountain climber
- Squat to chair (controlled)
- Tricep dips
- Kick over
- Straddle to seat
- Push ups
- Single Leg Lunge
- Sit up to chair and tap side to side
Adapt as you need to. Let me know how you get on!
Suggestion: Complete each exercise three times for 20 seconds with 10 secs rest between exercises.
8. Home Body Weight Workout (8)
Find a couple of cans for this workout - or some weights!
- 1/2 burpee and jump over
- Ab crunch and pull through
- Burpee and snatch
- Balance and pass over
- Figure of 8 squat
- Thigh dance box
- Reverse lunge pass through
- Balance and pass over
Adapt as you need to. Let me know how you get on!
Suggestion: Complete each exercise three times for 20 seconds with 10 secs rest between exercises.
Core Challenge - Grab a ball!
I love this workout!
- Front plank - hand to hand
- Ab crunch
- Mountain climber
- Pass through knees
- Jacknife
Suggestion: Each exercise for 30 - 45 seconds with 15 seconds recovery.
Body Flow
We love to move our bodies in different ways.
This could be adapted - maybe hold the wall sit and add in some travelling forward and back squat walks? Up to you 🙂
Fitball Workout
A combination of fitball exercises.
- Lying down: Dolphin pose combination, Pedalo with twist, Tabletop, Deadbug, Ab twist, V Pass, Pedalo and REPEAT
- Front Support position 4 x toe taps 4 x knee tucks (keep hips lifted) 4 x toe tap, leg lift and into twisted mountain climber 4 x knee hovers (controlled lower to knees)
- Single leg hold and tap REPEAT on other leg.
- Moving lunges - Single leg lunge to front support - 4 x knee tucks - front support - single leg lunge
Suggestion: Complete each exercise for 60 - 90 seconds. Slow,controlled and steady.
Short Dynamic Stretch
Move and Move Freely...
This is a short dynamic stretch sequence which is similar to how I have been starting the 'Zoom' sessions.
This is intended to be repeated a few times before you exercise but it may be a sequence you want to do to release your muscles after a busy day (or day in front of the computer!).
Dynamic Stretch Routine
Move and Move Freely...
This is collective of dynamic stretches which I have put together - you can increase these to longer static stretches if you wish.
Please use this as a resource and pause the video when you need to spend more time on a stretch and rewind when you need to.
Please note:
These workouts have been posted for the benefit of existing Infinite Balance members who have demonstrated sufficient suitability to participate;
We advise participants:
a. that by participating they are doing so at their own risk;
b. a suitable, non-slip floor space is required and any potential obstructions in the vicinity are removed before they participate;
c. to avoid activities if they have, or suspect they may have any current health concerns, injuries, aches and pains;
d. avoid the use of blades, weapons or sharp instruments of any description;
e. avoid physical contact with other participants and where appropriate, adhere to social distancing guidelines;
Kirsty Ellson
26th March, 2020