Last night we were chatting with our children about knowing the people who we follow on social media. I had to explain that I don’t actually personally know a lot of the followers on the @infinite_balance_x Instagram page and the Facebook page - but I do know everyone personally on my personal sites.
So, I wanted to reach out to show the real me - not just the face behind Infinite Balance!
This is my family - my husband Simon and our two children. We may be slightly fed up of being in the same house but today we are off for a walk....for a change! Lol!
After our chat, about knowing people on social media, I felt my account had lost its personal touch with videos and ‘well-being’ messages. So this is part of the ‘real’ me, not the Instagram/ Facebook created ‘me’ - a mum and wife!
Love this crew 

*** These videos were made last summer when Caitlin wrote a brilliant song about family in lockdown and she made a video compilation to match it.